Services and Programs

The Margarita Liasidou Foundation provides other programmes with a view to improving the abilities, self respect, and confidence of disabled people. Activities include practical and creative exercises such as art, dance, music, gardening, woodwork, housework etc.

Children are also taught how to dress themselves, eat with a knife and fork, wash their hands and face properly, bath themselves, use the toilet – in other words, to learn how to depend upon themselves as much as possible.  In other classes they learn, amongst other things, how to make baskets, beautiful little stools (popular with everyone), icons, candles and decorative flower arrangements. Twice a year, at Christmas and Easter, the results of their hard work are put on sale at small bazaars organised by the Foundation.

At the Margarita Liasidou Foundation specialised theraputic services like physiotherapy are offered. These are not restricted only to those children in the Foundation who need the treatment, but are also given to other children, with or without mental disability, from the age of one year. The Foundation has also been asked for help in providing treatment for children suffering from various syndromes, movement disorders, and mental paralysis and muscular problems.

A psychologist offers his services voluntarily, giving psychological support not only to the children themselves, but also to their parents.  A new programme instigated by the Foundation in 2001, means that some of the children are offered jobs in the community. Seven of them currently work in the fruit department of a large supermarket and both the children and the employers are very happy indeed.